Month: January 2020

Simple Living

I’ve been into sustainability for a long-time – and, for many reasons.  My preoccupation became “legitimate” when I found the term, sustainable, in a textbook.  On that day and for the first time, I saw my reflection in a practical and useful American word.

I’d been working my way through environmental economics.  I wanted to make sense of American tactical economic pre-emptive by learning the logic of political economics. The textbook in question was filled with deliciously complex economic jargon laced with sane environmental objectives.  I devoured it!   But, after a few years, I realized that all that complexity didn’t quite get at the simple truth – the truth of rational environmental choice.

So, now over thirty years later, I am reclaiming the word, “sustainable,” from the technologists.   Sustainability is a good word.  We don’t have to leapfrog over to “regenerative.”  Sustainable has that covered. I see sustainability as a throw back framework, that endures as classic – beyond time and into the future.  It’s not trendy, a fad or a brand.  Sustainability means a solid focus on the biosphere in every personal and public choice.

Living in principle has everything to do with sustainability.  As my years make me gray, I’ve refined what I know.  I’m advancing a policy solution while also trying to live as sustainably as I can muster, in every way real and authentic.

Gratitude is a wonderful sustainability habit.  I find beauty in just being where I am, who I am and eating good real food.  I have plenty, even though a few may think I have so little.  My joyful emptiness is abundance!

What other sustainability habits can I share?  I’m usually in good spirits, because I live my dream and keep at it. If something is not quite right, I breathe through my nose. I let it go. Try it!  It works.  I do use technology for outreach.  It is amazing to write this just now directly to the web. All the same, the ends never justify the means.  I want to be part of making technology more earth-friendly. And, the good work is not on the internet.

In any case, may these words find you in common cause.  Let’s keep at it.  Be who we are.  Not give up.  And, as you know, sustainability is everyday, in every way, and actually quite simple.

Starting Economics for Peace Institute


Where I Live Now

Rain and mist is why I came.  Green fronds to remind me of my childhood Brittany.  Ocean spray and heads of butter lettuce.  Wide-brimmed tree upon tree is what lured me.  The smell of salt beckoned.  And so yet, my story meandered the peaks of the thunder belt instead.  I like it here. I have found trust with those families whose stories spring up simply, and hold true at the edge of forgotten rainforest, once upon dairyland and lost fisheries. I enjoy those conversations. Still, I wonder sometimes how newcomers and tourist culture ruined what must have been so quaint and lovely. Or, was it? Would the elders call how it may have been “resilient?”

I first arrived in Pacific Northwest in 2009 to deliver a workshop funded by USDA Pacific Northwest Forest Service.  I traveled by car and toured British Columbia before a short stay in Port Townsend.  I lived in the Four Corners of Colorado at the time.

I’ve visited and lived in various parts of Oregon and Washington off and on since then, making the Olympic Peninsula my home since the summer of 2016. I worked in organic farming, community gardening, and trained in natural building making many wonderful new friends that I cherish.

Now after three years on the Olympic Peninsula, I’ve made my way to rebuild the nonprofit, create a viable home space and train in accounting and small business management.   The time is right.  I am ready to resume my work as an environmental mediator and researcher.

Today is the third day of 2020.  I’m sharing this website with friends and family.  It provides an overview of my research and experience in sustainability and environmental dispute resolution.  Overtime, I’ll expand the content and share my personal journey in sustainability.


Photo: “Salish Sea Thanksgiving” creative commons @ 2019 by

Participatory Conversations Matter


How do we resolve thorny social issues?  How do we achieve sustainable social, economic and environmental outcomes? How do we sustain unified insight over time?

Participatory conversation is a necessity, not just wishful thinking.

We will explore appreciative inquiry, mediation, and social fieldwork as a way forward to unite our understanding.  Join with others in learning how to bring these essential tools to life in your workaday projects and for ensuring sound governance.

Click each tool for a quick intro:

→ appreciative inquiry

→ social fieldwork

→ mediation

The building blocks of a better future require understanding.  Understanding comes through good conversation. Let’s unite our understanding to protect what matters most.  Join us in practicing participatory conversation that matters.

every other Monday
May 4 to JuLy 13

4pm to 5pm PST
$25 series of six – sign up for series, join when you can
$5 individual drop-ins – limited number, register early


Proceeds benefit Economics for Peace Institute, a 501c3 nonprofit.  Thank you.

webinars will be ongoing. Spread the word. Practice makes perfect.

After you register, you will receive a confirmation.  A week before the webinar, you will receive webinar details and materials.  Before each webinar, you will also receive reminders for which you can opt-in or out.

For webinar participants that would like a 1:1 consult to go over your questions, feel free book an appointment.  We can discuss next steps or clarification. I suggest a half hour session before, during or after the webinar series. 

Alternatively, you may wish to sign up for social fieldwork training and a chance to move forward with what you’ve learned in a local setting.  Sign up on the calendar at the bottom of the page here.

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