Business Overview
Copyright CALATHUS, LLC © 2007.  All Rights Reserved.
Image Credits (top to bottom):, Fotolia
The most important thing is to express your true nature in the simplest, most adequate way and to appreciate it in the smallest existence.  
Suzuki Roshi, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind
Our wealth is more than what we individually own, but also our relationships to all that lives and to each other.
  1.    We have a respected law firm on board to solidify corporate        
governance and investment contracting;
  1.    Our intellectual property is protected by use in commerce and    
through durable business relationships;
  1.    We have an excellent core group of associates from which to
springboard business planning and grant development; and,
  1.    We have seasoned advisors in all three spheres of activity:  
consulting, ecovillages and fair trade.
Our core business is participatory ventures for people and nature and building peaceful relations through commerce.
CaLaTHUS would like to partner with a foundation and/or an investor with a keen sense of the potential in sustainable business development.  Please contact Myriem Le Ferrand for investment questions, suggestions or details.  *Evolution is a placeholder; trade name in development
  Consulting contracts; 
  Ownership contracts for ECORRetreat;
  Seed Money for E-Volution* Fair Trading; and,
  Grants/loans to CaLaTHUS general fund and activities.EcoRetreat.htmlFair%20Trading%20Company.htmlshapeimage_6_link_0shapeimage_6_link_1
Thank you for learning about CaLaTHUS, 
building peaceful relations through commerce. 
May the road rise to meet you!
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For the period March through May 2007,  CaLaTHUS LLC is raising $20k in a seed round.  In this round, $2,000 provides the option to buy one percent of CaLaTHUS LLC in two years at $5,000 (that is, an additional $3,000).  

For example if an independent valuation places the company as worth $1,000,000 in two years, a one percent share is worth $10,000. You would be able to buy in as an early investor at half the public price.  

A limited number of shares will be available for venture capital funding. Ten shares are available in this first round.  Other shares are reserved for start-up employees.

During the period March through May 2007, CaLaTHUS will be generating revenues through our consulting practice, doing outreach and sales for the participatory ecoretreat, setting up our first tour of ecovillages, and testing our fair trade business model.

CaLaTHUS is also open to backing for Phase One and Two of the EcoRRetreat project.  $30,000 now offers a 25% annual return or $91,553 in five years.  Phase One is outreach and Phase Two is site selection.  Only highly-experienced investors with advisory experience and integral alignment with project goals will be considered.  Multiple investors welcome.

CaLaTHUS is carefully searching for the right founding investor for 
E-Volution Fair Trade.  Venture funding for internet startups is often less than $250k.  See VentureBeat for details.
March thru May 2007
CALATHUS is off to a good start thanks to
the friends who honed this beginning.
In the fair trade movement, our niche is participatory certification of poverty alleviation.  Specifically, the time is right to certify the participatory use of resources to ensure community-wide benefit.
Our niche in ecovillage design is cooperative vacation retreats that rely on principles of participatory ecotourism. EcoVillage Connection also offers wonderful tours of existing residential communities in the United States.  Once we learn more, the potential exists to build such communities to suit.
A consulting niche exists in the use of appreciative inquiry and participatory project management for strategic planning, peacebuilding and natural resource management.